We have Badges!

If you seen us at any of our events recently you will know we have built up a large range of designs of pin badges. We sometimes run out of particular designs so after numerous requests we are now able to send out badges through the post

We do not yet have an online store but you can donate via PayPal and indicate what badges you would like sent out. Further details below.

How to order:
* Pick your badge designs – making a note of the description below the image.
* Choose what size – we can provide badges in three sizes.
* Total up your donation – we ask for £1 per small badge, £1.50 for medium and £2 for large – plus £1 per order to cover the cost of postage.
* Head to our PayPal donate page and enter your choice of badges, sizes and delivery details.
Any queries please contact us before ordering.

Please support our artists. We have commissioned a number of artists from the LGBTQ+ community design artwork especially for some of our badges. Please visit them on social media or their stores too to see more of their work and a range of merchandise.

If the badge design you are after appears to be missing, drop us a message and we can make custom designs too. More designs will be added soon.

Some have asked if we can send out flags – yes we can!
Drop us a message first to check if we have them in stock and we will get back to you.

UK only

Edinburgh Fringe: An Interview with Friz Frizzle

Having watched their hugely entertaining show ‘Lets Get Friz Frizzle‘ (abbreviated title), we sat down with Friz to discuss their comedy, mental health, autism and The Simpsons.

Poster for Friz Frizzle's show Let's Get Friz Frizzle at the 2022 Fringe
Poster for Friz Frizzle’s show Let’s Get Friz Frizzle at the 2022 Fringe

You’ve done comedy shows in person and online, are there things you enjoy about both formats?

Each have their own high points. With in-person shows, you get to enjoy jokes that can only happen there and then – such as a heckler retort or gauging a reaction. When I did my solo weekly online show, we ended up having our own in-jokes that would never have translated into an in-person live show. Plus, online gigs have the benefit of being easily accessed by all audience members.

You have worked with many other comedians. This year you have a comedy panel show ‘What’s in the Box’ with different guests each day. Do you have any stories you would like to tell about your collaborations?

I came up with What’s in the Box? in 2017 as an excuse to dick around with different mates every day. It’s got the format of a panel show, but it’s more improvised with chat in the middle. It’s such a fun show, especially when some contestants take the points seriously and really throw themselves into the game. The best moments include Glenn Moore trying to use a bottle as a compass, Lauren Pattison naming as many dogs as she could to the tune of We Didn’t Start the Fire and Gail Porter bringing the scariest dolls you’ve ever seen.

Your previous show on the fringe was all about mental health. Do you find it difficult bringing comedy to such an important subject?

Everything serious can have comedy made about it. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever had to give a eulogy. When I got my diagnosis in 2017, I made it my duty to be completely honest with how I was feeling, which I try and get the audience to do as well. Talking about the stuff you’re worried about it so much easier than keeping it bottled inside, even though it can be the scariest first step.

You talk about your recent autism diagnosis, do you have plans to do more comedy around this subject?

Tricky question. I never know what my hour-long shows will be about. If I find myself in a bizarre situation in the next twelve months that centres entirely on me having autism, I’ll definitely tell it. I’ll call the show Aut-Friz-Tic.

Has receiving an autism diagnosis been a positive thing for you?

It’s certainly explained a lot. My panic attacks, the encyclopedic Simpsons knowledge, the memorising ridiculous routines about owls and the like. I’ve started being able to spot other people with autism. I don’t think I had that power before. When I talked about my diagnosis with my friends and family, they all reacted with “That makes sense! We kind of already knew”, which is annoying, as that’s also how they reacted when I came out as bisexual.

You provide an entertaining mix of parody songs and stand up comedy. Are there any songs or a particular artist you enjoy parodying most?

I’ve done three different Pet Shop Boys parodies because I love doing Neil Tennant’s voice. It’s gorgeous.

And is there a song or artist that you have considered doing but never could be it to difficult or risky?

The only ones I don’t perform are the ones I’ve written to a really niche song. If anyone ever wants to hear my McFly parody about epilepsy, shoot me an email.

You challenge people to stump you with quotes from The Simpsons, have you ever been caught out? And I take it you really love the Simpsons?

I absolutely love The Simpsons. Controversially, some of the latest episodes have been the best they’ve been in about fifteen years. We are very lucky to have that show in our lifetimes. My party trick is obscure Simpsons trivia and telling you which episodes certain quotes come from. The only time I’ve been stumped is when someone just shouts “Excellent!” in a Mr Burns voice. I mean, what the actual heck am I meant to do with that? Ridiculous.

Thanks so much to Friz for sitting down with us.

You can catch their show: Let’s Get Friz Frizzle (to the tune of Let’s Get Physical) – at Whistlebinkies (Binkies Lounge) through to 28 August at 4pm.
More details on the show at British Comedy Guide.

Friz’s comedy panel show: What’s In The Box – takes place at the Globe Bar through to 28 August at 1pm. More details.

Both shows are part PBH’s Free Fringe 2022.

We plan to hold a Neurodiverse meetup to see Let’s Get Friz Frizzle on Wednesday 24th August, meeting at Whistlebinkies from 3:30pm. Event details at OutSavvy.

Twitter: @FrizFrizzle – more links via Linktree

Edinburgh Fringe: An Interview with Robyn Perkins

Following the previews of her brilliant show ‘Million Dollar Maybe‘, Robyn Perkins spoke to us about her comedy, science and Bi visibility.

Poster for Robyn Perkins show Million Dollar Maybe with the heading: 'A Scottish Bi+ Network Interview With Robyn Perkins"
Poster for Robyn Perkins show Million Dollar Maybe at the 2022 Fringe

How long have you been doing the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and what brings you back to Edinburgh?

This is my 8th year doing the whole month. I love the Fringe! I come back not just because I love performing, but I love being in a city with a load of my friends for a month. It’s like a University Campus, without classes, walking down the street and bumping into your friends. So much art, so much talent, in one place. It is incredible.

This is the first time you have produced a show based on your bisexuality – did you find this easier or more tricky to write than your previous shows?

Actually writing the show was not tricky at all, because it is so personal. Also, because I have become a better comedian, the show was easier than most. The thing I think was tricky, was owning the fact that this is a show about bivisibility. Originally, I wanted to hide the theme, as I thought it may seem inaccessible. But the truth is, this show is for everyone.
Also, while the show has a point, most Edinburgh shows do. And rest assured, it is a comedy show. It is very funny!

As someone who has performed across the UK and the world, how much do you have to change your comedy for different locations or cultures?

Apart from local references, not that much. Obviously, not every country knows what a Jaffa Cake is. Having said that, there are some places I do need to check that being out on stage is ok. Things are changing, which is great. For example, in 2020, Singapore was totally fine with me talking a lot about being bisexual.

Your show is funny and informative combining bi visibility, romance and science. You also touch on some of the important factors impacting the Bi+ community regarding relationships, and mental health outcomes. Do you see the work you do as a form of activism and how important is that to you?

This is a tough question. I don’t want to speak for anyone else, but I struggle a lot in feeling like I am ‘enough’. That applies to my bisexuality. Realising so late in life, I sometimes feel I am not a real part of the community. I know I am! But I sometimes feel like I’m tagging along.
So in terms of being an activist…this subject is really important to me. I think we need to be talking about it more. But I don’t feel like I have the qualifications to be an activist, since I am so new to the community. Does that make sense? Or is that too honest?

You talk about coming out as Bi later in life, even though signs were there for many years. Do you believe that the increase in bi visibility is helping people realise their sexuality earlier in life and is this a good thing?

For sure! I think if we actually had role models and a media presence in the 80s and 90s, I definitely would have known! So. Many. Signs.

In terms of acceptance, do you think we need to “prove bisexuals exist”?

Haha. The show talks a lot about the notion of proof, from a scientific point of view and a personal point of view. The problem is, there are several things in life you just cannot prove, and not just because science can’t prove anything. But there are several things in this world that we just need to trust people about. That is much easier said than done.

Do you have any tips for Bi+ people wanting to help spread bi visibility through comedy, music, videos or other media?

If you are in a place to own it, then do. Not everyone is, and that is understandable. If you can talk about it, even better. For example, being able to explain things when people try to assign a sexuality based on your current partner. Some people just don’t realise.
I think that’s more on a personal level. But in the media, I have seen people identify to the public based on who they are dating. I think, even if it is harder, if you are a position to do so, be identify as bisexual.

The poster for the show depicts you in a boxing ring and the title of the show, Million Dollar Maybe also has a boxing link – did you consider talking about boxing in the show?

I did. Truth is, the show title was coined in February of 2020. It was a much different show then. However, while the show is different, I think the title, and the relationship to the movie, is relevant. It’s a show about validation and proving your existence. I did briefly think about making a boxing reference, but haven’t come up with one that is worthy of the show yet.

Thanks to Robyn for sitting down with us.
You can catch her show ‘Million Dollar Maybe’ at Gilded Balloon Teviot through to 28 August at 5pm. Tickets available from edfringe.com

Robyn is also hosting Comedy For The Curious, a stand-up comedy panel show with a science twist at 8pm throughout August.

Twitter: @robynHperkins – Instagram: @robynHperkins – Website: robynperkins.com

Bi on the Fringe 2022

Details of a couple of shows on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022 which may be of interest.

Having skimmed through the Edinburgh Fringe listings for this year, we have noted a couple of shows that have stood out to us with bi+ performers.

If you know of any additional shows for us to include here, or have reviews of these shows please let us know.

Robyn Perkins brings her stand-up show: ‘Million Dollar Maybe’ to Teviot throughout August:

“Think you’re tough? Funny? Bisexual? Prove it. Sounds ridiculous? This show weaves together the stories of a sexual orientation scientist and an award-winning comedian, both trying to prove just that. This is a show about confidence, misinformation, bi-visibility and an American dad named Ralph.”

Tickets from £7.50: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/robyn-perkins-million-dollar-maybe

We are planning to meet up to see this show on Wednesday 17th August, 5pm.
Details to follow shortly.

Flyer for the show Let's Get Friz Frizzle (to the tune of "Let's Get Physical")
The image is Friz at a keyboard and microphone, on a pink background.
Friz Frizzle, brings their show about being an autistic non-binary bisexual to the Fringe.
The musical comedian's show Let's Get Friz Frizzle (To The Tune Of 'Let's Get Physical') is at Whistlebinkies throughout August. 

The show is free / pay what you want. Further details here: https://www.comedy.co.uk/fringe/2022/lets-get-friz-frizzle/ 

Bi Visibility Day 2020

Come join us on Saturday 19th September for The Bi+ Gathering from 10.30am – 6pm for a virtual community event in celebration of Bi Visibility Day.

All bi+ people and our allies are welcome to join us for a day of online fun, activities, talks and workshops.

The Bi+ Gathering

10:30am – 6pmAll Day Discord Social:
Chat, online games, and general fun!
Videos, videos, and more videos: including safer sex information from SX, and an exclusive interview with a Hidayah member about being Bi & Muslim.
(These videos will still be available to watch after the event has finished!)
11am – 12pmMake-up Tutorials with Kate
Join Kate for some make-up tips and tricks!
12:30pm – 1:30pmNeurodiverse Space with Nic
A space for all neurodiverse* people to talk about their experiences in a safe space.
*Neurodiverse includes autism, ADD/ADHD, Tourette’s, and many other conditions, and this session welcomes those who are self-diagnosed.
2:30pm – 3:30pmMystery Session
It’s a surprise! Join us on the day for more details 🙂
4pm – 5pmWhat Do We Want? More Bi+ Things!
Your chance to have your say about what support, resources, and events you would like to see available.

The Bi+ Gathering will be hosted through Zoom, Discord, and YouTube.

Get your free ticket through OutSavvy, which will give you access to the zoom and discord links for the event!

For more information, including any accessibility queries, email info@scottishbinet.org, or send us a message through our social media channels.

National Lottery Community Fund

A huge thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund, with their support we are able to pay for volunteer expenses, and the accessibility fund, for this event!

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Equality Network

A huge thanks to Equality Network for all of their support, and for providing the Zoom pro that we are using for the event!

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Hidayah LGBT+

Hidayah provides support and welfare for LGBTQI+ Muslims and promote social justice and education about the community to counter discrimination, prejudice and injustice.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Shadows at the Door

Connoisseurs of ghostly things & pleasing terrors.
Bringing to life a series of audio drama & spirited debate.
‘Shadows at the Door: The Podcast’ is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Twitter | Instagram
Hosted by Mark Nixon
Twitter | Instagram


SX works to improve the physical, sexual and mental health and wellbeing of all men who have sex with men. SX works with cis and trans men, and many other allies across Scotland.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Glasgow Mission: Order of Perpetual Indulgence

Supporting the LGBTQIA+ community to live happy, fulfilling lives free from stigma, raising money for appropriate charities, perform condom ministry, and strutting their stuff in drag as much as possible!

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Bi Furious Test

When we started the Scottish Bi+ Network, our first event was a film screening, and since then we’ve ended up doing a lot about bi+ representation in the media.

https://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/still/scott_pilgrim_vs_the_world43.jpgTwo of the questions we get asked a lot are: Why is representation so important? And what do we mean when we as a community ask for ‘good’ representation?

There’s been more and more mainstream films featuring bi+ characters, but when it comes to box office takings, there’s one film franchise that are in a league of their own.

Thor: Ragnrok is widely considered a bi+ film by those in the community, even though no-one is explicitly stated or shown in the film to be attracted to multiple genders.

One of the reasons it’s considered a bi+ film is its use of ‘bi lighting,’ where pink, purple and blue lights in the background of shots are used to subtly indicate that a character might be bi.

Is this ‘good’ representation?

If you’re bi+ and know what the colours signify, then it can be a subtle clue as to a character’s sexuality without having to spell it out.

But for those outside the bi+ community it’s just pretty colours. Explicit representation is the only way to show them that we exist, and let them see that we are more diverse than the stereotypes about us.

Which leads us to the hardest question of all; what is ‘good’ representation?

There is no single character or film that can fully represent the diversity of the bi+ community, but from talking to lots of bi+ people there’s a few things we all seem to agree on.

So, with all this in mind, we wanted to create a test that would help people judge the quality of bi+ representation in film.

The Bi Furious Test:

  1. The character’s bi+ identity is not revealed through cheating.
  1. The character is explicitly stated or shown to be attracted to multiple genders.
  1. The character is integral to the plot, and not just there to be ~sexy~ or for a throwaway joke, i.e. removing them would have a significant impact on the story.
  1. Their sexual orientation (and gender identity, if applicable) isn’t their only defining trait.
  1. The character is not later retconned to be gay/lesbian/straight.

In the last five years, we have been spoiled with a selection of films that pass the Bi Furious test, but there’s quite a few classics that were ahead of their time when it comes to bi+ representation.

Velvet Goldmine was a relative box office success back in 1993. Set in the 70s glam rock era, a time of rebellion and sexual fluidity.

Period dramas always pose a problem for bi+ representation, as a lot of the labels we use to describe our attraction to multiple genders didn’t exist or weren’t used in the same context back then. Even though it is set in the late 1800s and early 1900s, Colettemanges to explicitly show that she is attracted to multiple genders, leaving no doubt in the viewer’s mind that she would identify under the bi+ umbrella.

My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend set a new high bar for tv representation of bi+ people. Not only does the show use the word bisexual many times, but they have a full song and dance routine for Darryl coming out as bi, complete with saxophone solo.

TheFeels, a series of short films, released one a day for pride month, is the story of a bi guy with too many feels. As the episodes are only a few minutes long, it allows them to have such a varied cast of bi+ people that the series does feel like it shows the full diversity of the bi+ community.

Ironically the film that gives it name to the test, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, at first glance, wouldn’t qualify as good representation, because Ramona’s bisexuality seems to be there as a throwaway joke. But there wouldn’t be a story without her, and she has more to her character than her sexuality. Also, her fluffy jumper in the bi pride colours is a huge hint.

Like all of these simple representation tests, there is always room for debate, and even if a film is ‘good’ representation, it may not be to someone’s personal taste.

Leading the push for better bi+ characters seems to be coming from bi+ creators and actors, but there’s still a long way to go before all of the bi+ community sees themselves reflected on the big screen.

The small screen is rising to the challenge, with streaming services allowing more creators to get their work out, and combined with the rise of web series such as The Feels, we are starting to get the diverse representation we deserve.

To find more bi+ films and tv shows, check out our Bi+ Media Project https://forum.scottishbinet.org/wp-test/p/media.html or @BiMediaProject on twitter.

Bi Visibility Month 2019

Bi Visibility Month Round Up!

September is always a busy month for us, as the bi+ community gets the visibility it so desperately needs.
This year was extra special, because the first Bi Pride UK took part in London on the 7th of September. We also hosted our own Bi Visibility Day event, and helped organise BiTastic, a free one day event for bi+ people and their allies.

Bi Pride UK
We arrived in Hackney after a long night on Megabus, to bi, pan, and poly flags decorating the street, and lots of people wearing their badges and flags with pride.
Over 1300 people attended The Round Chapel in Hackney for a day of all things bi+ including music, panel discussions, and information stalls.
This is now the biggest bi+ gathering in history!

Find out more about Bi Pride UK at www.biprideuk.org

GFT Screening of Velvet Goldmine

We had at least 80 people show up for this very special screening of Velvet Goldmine in 35mm, with a panel discussion about how music and musicians have been consistently providing LGBTQ+ representation for decades.
Velvet Goldmine itself is a beautiful trip of a film, and for a film with lots of sex, drugs, and rock n’roll it does a nice job of humanising the characters, where it could so easily have ended up with the greedy and depraved bisexual tropes. If you love 70s and 80s music, fabulous costumes and glamorous people then this is the film for you! 
Also, it has a cameo by Brian Molko and Placebo, as well as featuring songs of theirs.
Thank you to all our of our lovely panelists for taking part, and to the GFT and their amazing staff for making this wonderful event happen.

To find screening times or to sign up for their newsletter visit www.glasgowfilm.org

Stall at City of Edinburgh Council with their LGBT Network and UNISON
We spent our lunch on Bi Visibility Day with a stall at the main office of City of Edinburgh Council, with their own LGBT+ staff network and UNISON, talking to people about the issues facing bi+ people in the workplace.
And, thanks to the hard work of the local UNISON officer, Edinburgh councillors passed a motion to fly the bi pride flag on bi visibility day.


Panel Discussion with Edinburgh Uni Staff Pride Network, and PrideSoc
We had a lovely evening talking with the Edinburgh University Staff Pride Network, Edinburgh University PrideSoc and Monstrous Regiment publishers about all things bi+ including how representation in the media is getting better, and how a lot of us struggle with feeling ‘queer enough’ especially in LGBTQ+ spaces. 

Find out more about them at pridesoc.com and twitter.com/UoEStaffPride

We were honoured to be a part of this year’s BiTastic event, a free one day event for bi+ people and their allies, organised in partnership with Equality Network, Stonewall Scotland, and Bi & Beyond Edinburgh.
There was something for everyone with discussions, crafts, information stalls, and presentations on a wide range of topics, including how to better support BAME people in the community, bi+ representation in the media, as well as safe spaces for those who are non-binary, neurodiverse, and on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum.
It was a very enjoyable day, and we had people from all over Scotland attending, and we hope to see you all there at BiTastic 2020!

Keep an eye on www.BiTastic.org or follow @BiTasticEvents on twitter for more information about BiTastic 2020!


Unless you’ve been living in a cabin in the woods, isolated from society for the last few years, you can’t have missed the increasing hate towards trans and non-binary people in the mainstream media, and from organisations and individuals on social media.
Their basic human rights are being threatened and oppressed, and trans and non-binary people shouldn’t be left to fight that battle alone.
That’s why it’s so important to let people know that we, the bi+ community, are standing in solidarity with trans and non-binary people.

The #BWithTheT hashtag is a quick and simple way to show the trans and non-binary community that we support them.
We’ve had people coming up to us at pride because of our #BWithTheT banner, as it’s easily identifiable in a crowd, a sign of safety to many people.

B With The T Banner at Edinburgh Pride

There is a significant intersection of the trans and bi+ communities, with a large proportion of trans or non-binary people using one or more of the bi+ labels.
According to a report by MAP, more than 40% of trans people identify as bi+. Which is why our work will always be inclusive of trans and non-binary people.
And you can help as an individual by supporting Scottish Trans Alliance’s Equal Recognition campaign, more details here: https://www.scottishtrans.org/equal/ 

Cis people (of all sexualities) here’s a few tips on being a good trans and non-binary ally:

  • Normalise telling/asking people about pronouns by putting your pronouns in your social media bio(s), and by telling people what pronouns you use when you introduce yourself. If you have the ability to put your pronouns on your name badge, do so!
  • Wear or display things in your workspace that show you are an ally. This could be badges or stickers that show the #BWithTheT or say ‘trans ally’ (there’s many wonderful designs out there by many talented people)!
  • If you do accidentally misgender someone, simply correct yourself and move on, making a scene out of it can be awkward and embarrassing for the person who’s been misgendered, and it makes it all about you instead of them.
  • Practice using singular they/them pronouns, and familiarise yourself with neopronouns.
  • Instead of using (s)he or s/he in documents, use they, which is inclusive of all genders.
  • Reach out to trans and non-binary friends and let them know that you’re there to support them.

More details about the #BWithTheT campaign and to add your name to the open letter, visit BWithTheT.org

Scottish Bi+ Network turns one!!!

Unicorn Cake

It’s been a busy year for us, and we can’t believe that it’s September again!
Founded by three people who kept saying ‘someone should really do that,’ we went and did it.
Set up to provide support and resources for Scottish bi+ people, and the general public, we’ve been busy organising events, attending prides, and liaising with other groups.
When we started the Scottish Bi+ Network, we had no idea how much our services would be valued. We’ve lost track of how many people have come up to our stall at pride events and told us that they are surprised to see themselves represented at pride.
This time last year we were busy planning our very first event, a screening of Call Me By Your Name at the GFT (and we are still eternally grateful for all their help and support). It was a sold out event, and it was both amazing and slightly nerve-wracking to see so many people there!

Poster from the GFT Call Me By Your Name Bi-visibility screening and flyer from Out at the Cameo screening

We then ran workshops at BiTastic, and spoke at various events, including LGBTQ+ staff networks, building links with the community.
On the way we acquired Steve the Unicorn, our faithful mascot, who accompanies us to events.

A group of supportes with banners at Glasgow Pride and Steve The Unicorn

We started this year with Trans Pride in sunny Dundee, and recently we attended pride number ten for the year (and Bi Pride UK will make eleven)!
This year saw a return to the cinema, in partnership with Out at the Cameo.  A screening of Desiree Akhavan’s Appropriate Behaviour, which is a rare treat; a bi film, with a bi main character, made by a bi creator.
We’re the first bi+ specific group to be part of the Scottish Parliament’s cross-party working group on LGBTI+ issues.

Montage of photographs of Scottish Bi Plus Network at pride and other events

Our Virtual Meetups have been a success, and through this we are able to support bi+ people across Scotland no matter how remote their location, and even if they’re still in the closet.
We’re also one of the partners behind this year’s BiTastic, a one day event for bi+ people and their allies. With fun and games, arts and crafts, and workshops; there’s something for everyone.

Montage of photographs of Scottish Bi Plus Network at pride events

And this is the only the beginning!

We’re preparing for this year’s Bi Visibility Day event, in partnership with the GFT, a screening of the classic bi film Velvet Goldmine in 35mm.
Plus we’re currently trying to secure funding so that we can do more next year, including get to more of the Highlands and Islands, and run Bi Visibility Day events outside the central belt.

So, to everyone that has supported us this year: Thank you!

With special thanks to – Equality Network, The Glasgow Film Theatre, Bi Community News, Bi & Beyond Edinburgh, Pink Saltire, Positive Change Arts Project, Out at the Cameo, OPI Glasgow

You can see more photos of what we are getting up to on our Instagram

Bi+ at the fringe

File:St Cuthbert, Edinburgh, exterior.jpg

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is now underway and we are pleased to report that there are a number of Bi+ themed shows and Bi+ performers!
Below is a list of the shows we are aware of so far.

“A bisexual Bridget Jones for the online generation.”

Venue 33, Pleasance Courtyard, £11

“A spin on self-worth, sexuality and spin class.

Venue 300, Underbelly, George Square, £9
“What does it mean to be bisexual? No, actually, what does it mean? Are we doing it right? How can you tell? […] an hour of comedy as confusing as coming out.
Venue 239, PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, Free
“Collapsible is a funny, furious new monologue about holding on in this collapsing world. For anyone who has ever felt crumbly.”
Venue 139, Assembly Roxy – Upstairs, £12 (£11 Concession)

Fempire: Cleo, Theo & Wu by Kirsten Vangsness:
“Careening through time and place on a heroine’s journey with the women who are more than what the HIStorians have you believe.”
Venue 20, Assembly Rooms, £10 (£9 Concession)
If you know of any more shows to add to this list let us know via social media:
We have not seen the shows listed above so cannot vouch for the standard of representation in each one, but if you have seen the shows let us know via our social media channels.
The List has details on many more queer themed shows taking place in Edinburgh.