Notice of AGM

Notice of Meeting

The 5th Annual General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held in Glasgow at 7pm on Wednesday 19th February 2025.  

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Chair’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. Proposals
7. AOB
8. Proposed Date of Next AGM
9. Close  

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Sunday 16th February 2025.  

For those who cannot attend the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary are to be received by 5pm on Sunday 16th February 2025.  

For members who are attending the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary will be taken at the appropriate time during the AGM.  

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.  

Full details will be emailed to members.  

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since Tuesday 14th March 2023, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Additional Information:
See the following documents for more details on the roles of Chair and Secretary.  
To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

Notice of AGM

Notice of Meeting

The 5th Annual General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held on Discord video at 7.30pm on Monday 26th February 2024.  

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Chair’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. Proposals
7. AOB
8. Proposed Date of Next AGM
9. Close  

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Sunday 18th February 2024.  

For those who cannot attend the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary are to be received by 5pm on Sunday 18th February 2024.  

For members who are attending the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary will be taken at the appropriate time during the AGM.  

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.  

Full details, including the link to Discord server, will be emailed to members.  

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since Tuesday 8th March 2022, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Access Information:
Discord video does not have built-in captions, however there are a number of third-party apps that will provide captions, please contact us for more details.

Additional Information:
See the following documents for more details on the roles of Chair and Secretary.  
To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

Notice of AGM

Notice of Meeting

The 4th Annual General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held on Discord video at 7.30pm on Monday 13th March 2023.  

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Chair’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. Proposals
7. AOB
8. Proposed Date of Next AGM
9. Close  

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Friday 10th March 2023.  

For those who cannot attend the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary are to be received by 5pm on Friday 10th March 2023.  

For members who are attending the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary will be taken at the appropriate time during the AGM.  

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.  

Full details, including the link to Discord server, will be emailed to members.  

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since August 10th 2021, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Access Information:
There will be auto-generated live captions and live transcript available.

Additional Information:
See the following documents for more details on the roles of Chair and Secretary.  
To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

Equality Network are looking for people to participate in their research

a blue-green letter E with the words Equality Network in purple text

Bi, pan, queer? We want to hear from you

The Equality Network is running this survey to find out people’s experiences of both bi+ inclusion and biphobia in service provision, and what you want done to tackle biphobia in the UK. We want to help improve services and increase understanding of bi+ identities and their intersections within our community. To do this, we need to hear from you. This is part of our wider work to improve intersectional inclusion across the whole LGBTQIA+ community. If you have time, we would love for you to answer our survey.

For the purposes of this survey we use “bi+” as an umbrella term. This survey is for anyone who has ever experienced sexual or romantic attraction towards more than one gender and it will ask about discrimination on this and other protected characteristics. We understand and are interested in hearing about how different types of discrimination intersect and affect you.

Notice of AGM

Notice of Meeting

The 3rd Annual General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held on Zoom at 7.30pm on Thursday 3rd March 2022 .  

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Chair’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. Proposals
7. AOB
8. Proposed Date of Next AGM
9. Close  

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Thursday 3rd March 2022.  

For those who cannot attend the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary are to be received by 5pm on Thursday 3rd March 2022.  

For members who are attending the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary will be taken at the appropriate time during the AGM.  

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.  

Full details, including the link to the Zoom meeting, will be emailed to members.  

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since July 9th 2020, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Access Information:
There will be auto-generated live captions and live transcript available.

Additional Information:
See the following documents for more details on the roles of Chair and Secretary.  
To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

[Rescheduled] Notice of AGM

Notice of Meeting

The 2nd Annual General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held on Zoom at 8pm on Monday 9th August 2021.  

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Chair’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. Proposals
– Becoming a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation)
– Removing or reducing the role of Treasurer
7. AOB
8. Proposed Date of Next AGM
9. Close  

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Saturday 7th August 2021.  

For those who cannot attend the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary are to be received by 5pm on Saturday 7th August 2021.  

For members who are attending the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair and Secretary will be taken at the appropriate time during the AGM.  

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.  

Full details, including the link to the Zoom meeting, will be emailed to members.  

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since August 11th 2019, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Access Information:
There will be auto-generated live captions and live transcript available.

Additional Information:
See the following documents for more details on the roles of Chair and Secretary.  
To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

Notice of EGM

Notice of Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held on Zoom at 8pm on Monday 19th October 2020 to elect a new Treasurer.  

1. Welcome
2. Election
3. AOB
4. Date of Next AGM
5. Close

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Sunday 18th October 2020.  

For those who cannot attend the EGM, nominations for the position of Treasurer are to be received by 5pm on Sunday 18th October 2020.  

For members who are attending the EGM, nominations for the position of Treasurer, will be taken at the appropriate time during the EGM.  

All members are welcome to attend the EGM.  

Full details, including the link to the Zoom meeting, will be emailed to members.  

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since August 11th 2019, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Additional Information: 

See the following documents for more details on the role of Treasurer.  

To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.

Exciting Opportunity!

We’ll be doing lots during Bi Visibility Month, but this is perhaps one of our biggest announcements: we are growing!

Until now, we’ve been entirely reliant on our amazing volunteers. Now, thanks to the generosity of The Weir Trust, we’re in a position to be recruiting for our first paid role.

We’re incredibly excited by this, and know it will allow us to expand and reach more people.

See below for details of the role!


The Weir Charitable Trust

The Weir Charitable Trust Funding

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded over £17k in funding to support the work that we do with the bi+ community.
Scottish Bi+ Network was founded in 2018, to provide support and resources to bi+ people and their allies across Scotland, through online engagement, local peer support, events, and training.
Bi+ people face statistically higher rates of poverty, domestic and sexual violence, and mental health issues, than their straight, gay or lesbian counterparts.
Research highlights that 85% of bisexuals feel isolated from their community due to a lack of local groups, and a lack of mainstream funding for bisexual specific work. This contributes to the high rates of social isolation and mental health issues in the bi+ community.
To date, we have directly supported more than 800 bi+ people and their allies through events, talks, training, plus our online forum, and many more through our social media channels.
The new funding from The Weir Charitable Trust will allow us to expand our services by employing a full-time administrator, so that we can develop and deliver more training and education programmes. It will also allow us to train more local volunteers to provide peer support in their communities, so that we can better support the needs of bi+ people outwith the central belt of Scotland.
Additionally, we will also be able to provide more resources and training through our online platforms, including making a wider range of information and guides available, and training webinars.
Graeme, Secretary of Scottish Bi+ Network, said: “It’s amazing that The Weir Charitable Trust has recognised our work, and with this funding will be able to expand as an organisation, and allow us to support more bi+ people across Scotland than ever before.”

About The Weir Charitable Trust
The Weir Charitable Trust aims to support Scottish-based community groups and small charities to provide services across Scotland to help the Scottish community. These groups and charities are likely to have found it difficult to access funds elsewhere.

About Scottish Bi+ Network
We are a network of volunteers, formed in August 2018, to support bi+ people (those who are attracted to multiple genders).
Our aims are to raise bi+ visibility, and increase awareness of the issues facing the bi+ community, both in the LGBTQIA+ community itself, and with the general public.
We do this by: providing resources and online support, taking part in local pride marches, running virtual meetups, organising events, working with other organisations, and raising issues at the Scottish Parliament’s LGBTI cross-party working group.

Notice of AGM

Notice of Meeting

The 1st Annual General Meeting of Scottish Bi+ Network will be held on Zoom at 8pm on Wednesday 8th July 2020.

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Chair’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. AOB
7. Proposed Date of Next AGM
8. Close

If you wish to raise any items for the agenda, please email by 5pm on Tuesday 7th July 2020.

For those who cannot attend the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer are to be received by 5pm on Tuesday 7th July 2020.

For members who are attending the AGM, nominations for the positions of Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, will be taken at the appropriate time during the AGM.

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.

Full details, including the link to the Zoom meeting, will be emailed to members.

If you have volunteered on behalf of the organisation since August 11th 2019, and have not yet received an invitation for membership, please email

Additional Information:

See the following documents for more details on the roles of Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

To view our constitution, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.