Here you can find all the links and info that you need for BiTastic 2021!
These links are for your own use, please do not share them or post them publicly. If you know of other people who would like to attend, please direct them to OutSavvy where they can get their own free ticket!
Table of Contents
Discord Server
Join the Scottish Bi+ Network Discord server to chat with other bi+ people and allies between sessions, and to play online games!
Session Timetable
Time | Thursday | Friday | Friday | Saturday | Saturday | Sunday |
Zoom 1 | Zoom 1 | Zoom 2 | Zoom 1 | Zoom 2 | Zoom 1 | |
10am – 11am | – | Speed Friending | Emma Roddick MSP | Issues Facing LGBTI+ Muslims | Trans Space | Crafty Social |
11.20am – 12.20pm | – | Autism 101 | Transition, Sexuality, and Labels | QTIPoC Space | Unstick Your Creativity | Crafty Social |
2pm – 3pm | – | Sexual Health Services Workshop | Bi Funding Research Results | Celebrate Rant Celebrate: A Workshop for Bi+ Disabled &/or Chronically Ill People | Kirsten Milliken Storytelling | Health & Wellbeing Workshop |
3.20pm – 4.20pm | – | Ace Space | Post Covid Dating – Bi & Trans | Bi+ Representation in the Media | Non-Binary Space | Neurodiverse Space |
7pm – 9pm | Opening Event | Virtual Escape Room | – | Marcus Morgan Magician | – | Sunday Social: Party Time! |
Session Descriptions
Thursday 23rd September
7pm-9pm: Opening Event
Come join us for fun and games, and a chance to chat!
Meeting ID: 882 2083 5117
Passcode: 171906
Friday 24th September
10am-11am: Speed Friending
You’ve heard of speed dating, now get ready for – speed friending!
Meeting ID: 868 6841 1234
Passcode: 607248
10am-11am: Emma Roddick MSP
Emma Roddick is an MSP for the Highlands and Islands and co-convenes the Cross-Party Group on LGBTI+ in the Scottish Parliament. She will hold a discussion on what it is like to be bisexual in Scottish politics – the barriers, the work that still needs to be done, and the importance of representation.
Meeting ID: 882 5324 7283
Passcode: 289565
11.20am-12.20pm: Autism 101
There is a big crossover between the queer community and the autistic community. Autism 101 encompasses everything you didn’t know you didn’t know about autism. What is autism? What do we mean by the autism spectrum? How can allies help the autistic community? And how does autism- and ableism- affect our day to day lives? Join Nina Mega in this hour-long session to find out all this and more.
Meeting ID: 896 0356 8471
Passcode: 931087
[This session will have professional captions.]
11.20am-12.20pm: Transition, Sexuality and Labels
Does being trans affect how we see our sexuality? Can our sexuality help us discover things about our gender identity? And where do labels fit in all this? This is a space for people to explore, discuss and share stories about self-discoveries of gender and sexuality.
Meeting ID: 842 8364 8230
Passcode: 692290
2pm-3pm: Sexual Health Services Workshop
Interested in having your say on the future of sexual health services in Scotland? We are keen to hear how we can improve sexual health services for the Bi+ communities in Scotland. In this workshop, we will gather your feedback via an anonymous online platform.
Meeting ID: 840 1416 0364
Passcode: 561915
2pm-3pm: Bi Funding Research Results
Earlier in 2021, three of us got the job of researching the funding of UK bi organisations, commissioned by national LGBT+ charity Consortium.
After 2 surveys, 6 interviews, 3 discussion events and lots of writing, our findings and recommendations are now out in the world:
In this session, we’re happy to answer questions about any of
* the research process
* what we found out
* what might happen next!
Meeting ID: 891 5243 2226
Passcode: 375290
3.20pm-4.20pm: Ace Space
This will be a safe space to discuss being on the asexual spectrum and is open to anyone who is less sexual including asexual, grey ace, or anywhere on the asexual spectrum. There will be a short intro to the Ace spectrum and some of the definitions followed by a discussion of our own experiences in the sometimes over sexualised world of being bi.
Meeting ID: 843 0835 7054
Passcode: 116135
3.20pm-4.20pm: Post Covid Dating – Bi & Trans
With lockdowns easing after a long period of isolation, many of us are keen to find new partners and rebuild our social lives. This session will look into safety tips tailored for post-covid enthusiasm, as well as other general safety advice for dating as bisexual people. Group participation is encouraged. The focus will be on bisexual experiences, but you don’t need to be bi to attend or participate.
Meeting ID: 865 0724 3791
Passcode: 820864
7pm-9pm: Virtual Escape Room
Join us for an evening of fun and mystery as we solve puzzles to escape the room!
Meeting ID: 870 6568 2701
Passcode: 417772
Saturday 25th September
10am-11am: Supporting LGBT+ Muslims
A talk on the issues affecting LGBT+ Muslims, and the work of Hidayah LGBT+
Meeting ID: 894 2449 4894
Passcode: 785267
10am-11am: Trans Space
A space for people who identify as trans to come together, share experiences, support one another and have the opportunity to learn more about themselves. All trans people are welcome.
Meeting ID: 851 3383 0689
Passcode: 844011
11.20am-12.20pm: QTIPoC Space
A session for all QTIPOC to share their experiences in a safe and non-judgemental space.
*QTIPOC includes those who are questioning their sexuality and/or gender identity, and is open to all Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic People of Colour.
Meeting ID: 827 6970 8286
Passcode: 973952
11.20am-12.20pm: Unstick Your Creativity
No shame if you haven’t touched your knitting/crafting/music/writing recently, or if you don’t even know what creative thing you might want to do! All kinds of wishes & plans welcome, including DIY and social or business ideas as well as the arts. We’ll talk about ways to encourage yourself, ways to get unstuck, and solving practical obstacles. Blow the dust off an old wish, boost the start of something new, or just enjoy sharing thoughts. Mostly talking, but feel free to bring actual crafty items to do as we talk! Pencil and paper might be useful.
Meeting ID: 820 6702 7465
Passcode: 199387
2pm-3pm: Celebrate Rant Celebrate
A Workshop for Bi+ Disabled &/or Chronically Ill People.
Where possible, please bring along three sheets of A4 paper and a marker pen or similar. These will be used to write on as part of the workshop.
Meeting ID: 822 1344 5915
Passcode: 919990
2pm-3pm: Kirsten Milliken Storytelling
Kirsten is a bold and enchanting storyteller. Her repertoire includes myths, legends, sagas, folk and fairy tales. From vast, epics telling of the wars of gods and of men, to smaller, more intimate tales exploring individual relationships and difficult choices. Kirsten considers herself a tradition bearer, sharing the tales of our ancestors, exploring what they show of the human psyche and sharing wisdom that was as relevant in our ancient past as it is today.
Meeting ID: 845 8218 6363
Passcode: 953760
[This session will have professional captions.]
3.20pm-4.20pm: Bi+ Representation in the Media
A chance to chat about all your favourite characters, tv shows, films, books, and games, as well as discuss what you’d like to see in terms of bi+ representation.
Meeting ID: 858 9446 4173
Passcode: 344844
3.20pm-4.20pm: Non-Binary Space
A safe space for people who identify as non-binary to come together, share experiences, support one another and have the opportunity to learn more about themselves. All non-binary people are welcome, including those who are genderqueer, gender non-conforming and questioning a non-binary identity.
Meeting ID: 867 6374 4417
Passcode: 138393
7pm-7.30pm: Marcus Morgan Magician
Marcus Morgan is the UK’s only bisexual activist magician, possibly the only one in the world. A familiar furry face in the bisexual community, Marcus’s award winning magic combines queer humour with peerless insight. Tonight’s performance includes a new interactive Zoom piece written especially for BiTastic and never seen before!
Meeting ID: 837 8000 1751
Passcode: 069053
[ This session will have professional captions. ]
Sunday 26th September
10am-12.20pm: Crafty Social
Join us for a chance to craft and chat! Feel free to bring whatever you are currently working on, or if you’re anything like me, one of the many crafty projects that you’ve been meaning to start!
Meeting ID: 891 3346 4216
Passcode: 487977
2pm-3pm: Health & Wellbeing Workshop
The aim of the workshop is to provide a space to share and consider ways that we can improve our health and wellbeing. By providing information and advice we intend for attendees to leave with new tools that someone could incorporate into their day-to-day life.
Meeting ID: 856 0321 4274
Passcode: 812532
3.20pm-4.20pm: Neurodiverse Space
A space for all neurodiverse* people to talk about their experiences in a safe space.
*Neurodiverse includes autism, ADD/ADHD, Tourette’s, and many other conditions, and this session welcomes those who are self-diagnosed.
Meeting ID: 854 3870 6345
Passcode: 309972
7pm-9pm: Sunday Social – Party Time!
Come celebrate the end of Bi Visibility Month, and the closing event of this year’s BiTastic!
Join us for an evening of party games, and to socialise!
Meeting ID: 815 1091 0841
Passcode: 354466
Dialling in to Zoom
For Zoom we have enabled the option for participants to dial in using 0131 460 1196.
For those outside of the UK, you can find your local number here
Access Information
We will have auto-generated captions and live transcripts, provided by Zoom, available for all of our Zoom sessions.
Sessions with professional captions are marked in the programme.
All of our YouTube videos have captions available.
If you have any other accessibility queries, or require any financial assistance with mobile phone or data top-ups in order to attend the event, please contact
Please feel free to send us an email if you have any other questions!